Within this section you will find instructions on how to get setup with LeadMachine. This process is easy and should not take long. If you run into any issues feel free to reach out to our team by using the chatbot. We have customer service reps standing by to help.
Go to https://admin.google.com/
Click on Security > API Controls
Click on Manage Third-Party App Access
Click on Configure New App > OAuth App Name or Client ID
Add the Leadmachine Client ID. You can find the Client ID by checking step 2
Select and Configure the LeadMachine app as Trusted.
Click on Personal info
Click on Photo to upload a File.
One of the core tenants of Lead Machine technology is to make the user experience better by reducing the number of manual tasks required to build, maintain and even repair a domain's reputation. It goes without saying that managing a warm up process is time consuming and repetitive. Thus we have automated the entire flow from the creation of primary emails, sending them and all interactions afterwards. This includes starring them as important, marking as non-spam, removal from spam (if necessary) and replies to continue the conversation. The result of this is an organic interaction with your domain that Google's algorithm begins to trust.
All you have to do to get this process started is to add your email by creating your first campaign:
Below is a screenshot of the user dashboard view where this task can be completed: